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Boom Calendar for Grown-ups ~ Curated for Us @ Fifty Plus
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Family caregivers perform unpaid care valued at $470 billion a year, helping their loved ones stay at home—and out of costly institutional care, often paid for by Medicaid. In every state, the value of this unpaid care is greater than the annual cost of Medicaid for institutional stays, like nursing homes, and services to help people remain at home.

In Georgia, 1.3 million family caregivers provide unpaid care valued at a staggering
$14 million annually. Caregivers also take on the unexpected financial responsibility, which can be an unintended drain on family finance. Being a family caregiver is no easy feat and a duty that can take a toll on anyone.

Just as you need work/life balance, you need caregiver/life balance. AARP recommends taking time for yourself, whether spending time with friends, or exercise, to focus on self-care. You can find more information on creating a successful caregiver-life balance at

For decades now, AARP has been fighting for America’s 40 million caregivers’ rights. Every day, millions of Americans perform this great labor of love by helping their loved ones remain at home. Family caregivers assist with medications and medical care, meals, bathing, dressing, and much more. Many do it all while also working full- or part-time.

AARP offers resources to help you live your best life, all the while ensuring that your loved ones have the attention they deserve. We have a wealth of information that can help you become an effective caregiver. For more information log on to or visit us on Facebook at

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