If you haven’t changed your Medicare Supplemental or Advantage plan in a couple of years, chances are you’re paying too much, says Kristi Bates, Family Services Navigator at the Athens Community Council on Aging. Bates run the Georgia Cares program, which provides free, unbiased information and assistance to Medicare beneficiaries and their caregivers about all of the available insurance options. The program isn’t affiliated with any insurance company and doesn’t sell or solicit any type of insurance.
Volunteer counselors, who have received special training, can help clients understand your health plan choices, enroll in a plan that meets their needs, review Medicare summary notices, review explanation of benefits, sort through medical bills, assist in filing Medicare claims and appeals, and help apply for financial assistance to reduce out-of-pocket expenses.
For more information, contact Bates at 706-549-4850 or go to www.MyGeorgiaCares website.
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