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Boom Calendar for Grown-ups ~ Curated for Us @ Fifty Plus
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What are the qualities of an age-friendly community? Well, according to AARP and the World Health Organization, there are eight domains that ought to be considered and evaluated. There’s a group here in Athens that is beginning to undertake that assessment. The Athens Aging Network under the umbrella of the Chamber of Commerce, Envision Athens, the ACC Office of Inclusion and Diversity, and the Athens Community Council on Aging have been meeting to create an outline for a strategic plan. As the initiative is organized, they will be welcoming the input of people and organizations who are concerned with the issue. To that end, the group is seeking your input through the questionnaire we’ve included in this issue and at our website. As time goes on and we get feedback, Boom will take a deeper dive into where Athens stands in each of the domains, including:

Housing; Outdoor Spaces & Buildings; Transportation; Community and Health Care; Social Participation, Respect, and Social Inclusion; Civic Participation and Employment; Communication and Information.

Stay Tuned!

Betsy Bean is the founder and publisher of Boom Magazine.

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